ISO 50001
As leaders in the consulting in organizing of systematic energy management of organizations according to the international standard ISO 50001 we are offering services of holistic approach with unique prospects of development and sustainability inside the continuous evolving and changing enterprise environment. Large enterprises are trusting us in a systematic manner the organization and implementation of their energy management.
Energy Management Design
Energy design in large organizations is requiring holistic knowledge and experience in the field of strategic business targets as well as in legal and other sectoral requirements. For this reason the composition, know-how and experience of our executives let our team to offer integrated services in the field of design of energy management.
Planning for collection of energy data
The unique experience of years in the area of measurements, logging and recording of remote monitoring of energy performance of various enterprises (Industries, Office Buildings & Hotels), as well as in the training of technicians and engineers in BEMS and Energy Metering projects, are composing a unique mixture of services in the sector of Planning for collection of energy data.
Energy performance indicators & Metrics
A lot of talking about Energy Performance Indicators and Metrics is taking place.
Adamsnet Hydra is among the minimum number of consultants who are in the position of offering the combination of indicators that point towards the real needs of enterprises and are useful for their sustainability.
Net Zero Energy Building Portfolio Management 
The new order that is required from the European targets (EU Green Deal) and also through the transition of electricity and NG in the exchange market is introducing the need for bottom up analysis in enterprises since energy efficiency of equipments and the suitable RE, CHP and Energy Storage facilities have immediate impact at energy cost.
An Energy Transition Audit (ETA) with real field measurements & recorded data is the most important action in order to integrate a feasible "energy renovation passport".
Adamsnet Hydra is offering through suitable contract packages the sustainability of organizations and the avoidance of dangerous situations. Net Zero Energy activities needs historical data & sub-meters in order to define the energy patterns & behaviors disaggregating the power demand per significant energy. All Net Zero Energy projects are based on energy behaviors and energy saving potential (=the elephant in our living room). PPAs are a useful tools for enterprises but they can never take out the elephant from the living room.
Data Analytics & Energy Analytics
Our team of experts own all academic and professional certifications as well as the resources that are needed today in the sectors of Business, Process & Energy Data Analytics.
Famous & Public organizations that trust us are RAE, Halyps Cement, MONOTEZ, HELPE and EKO.
Energy Procurement
After the implementation of European Directive EU 944/2019 energy procurement is requiring a dynamic approach and is placed inside the borders of application of Energy Portfolio & Asset Management.
Adamsnet Hydra assures through the provision of suitable services packages the optimized transformation of obsolete up to today economic approaches.
Demand Response
Adamsnet Hydra is offering services of executive consulting to electricity and natural gas providers in the field of internal organization of facilities and human resource as well as in the searching for new business opportunities through contracts with final consumers or Prosumers.
The method of Disaggregation of different energy uses with target the understanding of DNA of organizations' energy process provides unique opportunities in the forecasting calculations in companies that manage such portfolios.
Hybrids Optimization
The optimization of hybrid systems is requiring Measurements, Data Analytics & Energy Analytics.
Through the systematic energy management we are in the position of optimizing with unique manner the production and coordination of operation of hybrid systems.
Electric & Hybrid Vehicles
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles are part of energy portfolio of an organization. In this perspective, we are among the few consulting companies that are in the position to offer custom and on demand solutions.